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Imagine driving down a country road with the windows rolled down, the warm breeze carrying the sweet sounds of a Vince Gill song through the air. That’s the magic of “Feels Like Love,” a song that captures the essence of love in its purest form. Vince Gill, with his smooth vocals and heartfelt lyrics, has a knack for turning simple moments into timeless memories. This song, released in 2000, is a perfect example of his ability to connect with listeners on a deeply emotional level.

About The Composition

  • Title: Feels Like Love
  • Composer: Vince Gill
  • Premiere Date: 2000
  • Album: Let’s Make Sure We Kiss Goodbye
  • Genre: Country


“Feels Like Love” is a standout track from Vince Gill’s album “Let’s Make Sure We Kiss Goodbye,” released in 2000. Known for his smooth voice and impeccable guitar skills, Vince Gill has always had a way of weaving personal experiences into his music. This song, like many others, reflects his deep understanding of love and relationships. The album itself is a testament to his ability to craft songs that resonate with listeners, filled with heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melodies. Upon its release, the song was well-received, praised for its sincerity and emotional depth.

Musical Style

The musical style of “Feels Like Love” is quintessential Vince Gill. It features a blend of country instrumentation with a touch of soft rock, creating a soothing yet powerful sound. The song’s structure is straightforward, allowing Gill’s vocals to shine through. His use of gentle guitar riffs and a steady rhythm section gives the song a laid-back feel, perfectly complementing the theme of love. The instrumentation is rich yet subtle, with each element contributing to the overall warmth of the piece.


The lyrics of “Feels Like Love” are a heartfelt ode to the feeling of falling in love. Gill’s ability to convey deep emotions through simple yet profound words is evident in lines like “When I’m wrapped up in your arms, it feels like love.” The lyrics paint a picture of intimate moments and tender affection, making the listener feel as if they are experiencing the emotions firsthand. The themes of love and connection are beautifully intertwined with the music, creating a seamless blend of melody and meaning.

Performance History

Since its release, “Feels Like Love” has been performed numerous times by Vince Gill, both in intimate settings and on larger stages. Each performance is a testament to Gill’s ability to connect with his audience, his voice conveying the same sincerity and passion as when the song was first recorded. Over the years, the song has become a favorite among fans, often requested at concerts and celebrated for its timeless appeal.

Cultural Impact

While “Feels Like Love” may not have reached the same level of mainstream success as some of Gill’s other hits, its impact on country music is undeniable. The song has been covered by various artists, each bringing their own interpretation to the heartfelt lyrics. It has also been featured in several romantic playlists and compilations, cementing its place as a beloved love song. Its gentle melody and sincere lyrics make it a perfect choice for weddings and other romantic occasions.


The enduring legacy of “Feels Like Love” lies in its simplicity and emotional depth. Vince Gill’s ability to capture the essence of love in a few verses and a memorable melody ensures that the song remains relevant to new generations of listeners. Its timeless quality is a testament to Gill’s skill as a songwriter and performer, and it continues to touch the hearts of those who hear it.


“Feels Like Love” is more than just a song; it’s a heartfelt expression of one of the most profound human emotions. Vince Gill’s ability to convey the beauty and simplicity of love through his music makes this song a timeless classic. If you haven’t already, take a moment to listen to “Feels Like Love” and let its gentle melody and sincere lyrics wash over you. For a truly special experience, check out live performances by Vince Gill, where his passion and connection to the song are palpable. This is a piece of music that deserves to be savored and shared, a true testament to the power of love in song form.



Look what my heart has gotten into
The sweetest gift I ever knew
It’s even better than my favorite shoes
Look what my heart has found in you
Feels like sunshine, feels like rain
Lord it feels like love finally called my name
I want to jump and shout I want to sing and dance
Lord it feels like love wants a second chance
Look what my heart can clearly see
How much I crave your company
A true companion I will always be
Look what my heart has done to me
Feels like sunshine, feels like rain
Lord it feels like love finally called my name
I want to jump and shout I want to sing and dance
Lord it feels like love wants a second chance
Looks like my heart has become
The safest place for us to run
I’ll be here for you when the day is done
Looks like my heart has found someone
Feels like sunshine, feels like rain
Lord it feels like love finally called my name
I want to jump and shout I want to sing and dance
Lord it feels like love wants a second chance