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There’s something timeless about the ballads of Marty Robbins, and “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” stands out as a heartfelt testament to love and devotion. I remember my grandmother singing this song with a nostalgic smile, her voice filled with the kind of emotion that only true classics can evoke. This song has a unique ability to connect across generations, offering a glimpse into the steadfast love that endures life’s many trials.

About The Composition

  • Title: My Woman, My Woman, My Wife
  • Composer: Marty Robbins
  • Premiere Date: 1970
  • Album/Opus/Collection: My Woman, My Woman, My Wife
  • Genre: Country


“My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” was written and performed by Marty Robbins, a prominent figure in the country music scene. Released in 1970, the song quickly became a hit, topping the country music charts and earning Robbins a Grammy Award for Best Country Song. The song is a tribute to Robbins’ wife, Marizona, reflecting his deep appreciation for her unwavering support and love. The heartfelt lyrics and Robbins’ sincere delivery resonated with listeners, cementing the song’s place in his illustrious repertoire.

Musical Style

The musical elements of “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” are quintessentially country, featuring a blend of acoustic guitar, gentle piano, and Robbins’ smooth baritone voice. The song’s structure is straightforward yet effective, with verses that build up to an emotionally charged chorus. Robbins employs a storytelling technique, a hallmark of his style, to convey the song’s message. The simplicity of the arrangement allows the poignant lyrics to shine, creating a powerful and intimate listening experience.


The lyrics of “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” tell a story of enduring love and sacrifice. Robbins sings about the many challenges his wife has faced, her strength, and her unwavering support through their years together. Themes of devotion, gratitude, and resilience are woven throughout the song, making it a touching tribute to a lifelong partnership. The lyrics are deeply personal, yet universally relatable, capturing the essence of marital love.

Performance History

Since its release, “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” has been performed by numerous artists and remains a staple in the country music genre. Notable performances include those by Robbins himself, who often included the song in his live shows. The song’s emotional depth and Robbins’ heartfelt delivery have made it a favorite among audiences, ensuring its lasting popularity.

Cultural Impact

“My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” has had a significant impact on country music and beyond. Its honest portrayal of love and devotion has inspired countless artists and continues to resonate with listeners today. The song has been covered by various musicians, each bringing their own interpretation to Robbins’ timeless lyrics. Its presence in popular culture, including television and film, underscores its enduring appeal.


The enduring importance of “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” lies in its ability to touch hearts and evoke genuine emotion. Its relevance today is a testament to Robbins’ songwriting prowess and the universal themes of love and commitment. The song continues to be a favorite for weddings, anniversaries, and moments of reflection, illustrating its lasting impact on audiences around the world.


“My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” is more than just a song; it’s a heartfelt ode to the enduring power of love. Marty Robbins’ sincere performance and evocative lyrics make it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with listeners of all ages. I encourage you to explore this beautiful piece, perhaps starting with Robbins’ original recording, and experience the profound emotion that has made it a beloved staple in the world of country music.



Hands that are strong but wrinkled
Doing work that never gets done
Hair, that’s lost some of the beauty
By too many hours in the sun
Eyes, that show some disappointment
And there’s been quite a lot in her life
She’s the foundation I lean on
My woman, my woman, my wife
Everyday has been uphill
Oh, we climb but we can’t reach the top
I’m weak and I’m easily discouraged
She just smiles when I want to stop
Lips, that are weary but tender
With love, that strengthens my life
A saint, in a dress made of gingham
My woman, my woman, my wife
Two little babies were born in the spring
But died when the winter was new
I lost control of my mind and my soul
But my woman’s faith carried us through
When she reaches that river
Lord, you know what she’s worth
Give her that mansion up yonder
‘Cause she’s been through hell here on earth
Lord, give her my share of Heaven
If I’ve earned any here in this life
‘Cause God, I believe she deserves it
My woman, my woman, my wife